--- title: "Using Tidy FFT" subtitle: "Analyze Time Series data with tidy_fft" author: "Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true toc_depth: 2 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using Tidy FFT} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 8, fig.height = 5 ) ``` ```{r setup} library(healthyR.ts) ``` # Introduction In this vignette we will discuss how to use the `tidy_fft` function, what it does, and what it produces. # The Function The `tidy_fft` function has only a few parameters, six to be exact. There are some sensible defaults made. It is important that when you use this function, that you supply it with a full time-series data set, one that has no missing data in it as this will affect your results. ## Funcation and Parameters The function and its full parameters are as follows: ```r tidy_fft( .data, .date_col, .value_col, .frequency = 12L, .harmonics = 1L, .upsampling = 10L ) ``` The `.data` argument is the actual formatted data that will get passed to the function, the time series data. The `.date_col` argument is the column that holds the datetime of interest. The `.value` column is the column that holds the value that is being analyzed by the function, this can be counts, averages, any type of value that is in the time series. The `.frequency` argument details the cyclical nature of the data, is it 12 for monthly, 7 for weekly, etc. The `.harmonics` argument will tell the function how many times the `fft` should be run internally and how many filters should be made. Finally the `.upsampling` argument will tell the function how much the function should up sample the time parameter. Let us now work through a simple example. # Example ## Data Lets get started with some data. ```{r example_data} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(timetk)) data_tbl <- AirPassengers %>% ts_to_tbl() %>% select(-index) ``` Now that we have our sample data, let's check it out. ```{r data_glimpse} glimpse(data_tbl) ``` ## Plot Data Lets take a look at a time series plot of the data. ```{r ts_plt} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(timetk)) data_tbl %>% plot_time_series( .date_var = date_col, .value = value ) ``` Now that we know what our data looks like, lets go ahead and run it through the function and assign it to a variable called `output` ## Run Function ```{r run_func, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output <- tidy_fft( .data = data_tbl, .date_col = date_col, .value_col = value, .harmonics = 8, .frequency = 12, .upsampling = 5 ) ``` Now that we have run the function, let's take a look at the output. # Output The function invisibly returns a list object, hence the need to assign it to a variable. There are a total of 4 different sections of data in the list that are returned. These are: * data * plots * parameters * model ## Output Data In this section we will go over all of the data components that are returned. We can access all of the data in the usual format `output$data`, which in of itself will return another list of objects, 7 to be specific. Lets go through them all. ### data The data element accessed by `output$data$data` is the original data with a few elements added to it. Let's take a look: ```{r data_data} output$data$data %>% glimpse() ``` ### error_data The error_data element accessed by `output$data$error_data` is a `tibble` that has the original data, plus a few other elements and an error term that is the actual value minus the harmonic output. This is done for each harmonic level. ```{r error_data} output$data$error_data %>% glimpse() ``` ### input_vector The input_vector is just the value column that was passed to the function. ```{r input_vector} output$data$input_vector ``` ### maximum_harmonic_tbl The maximum_harmonic_tbl is a `tibble` that has data regarding the maximum harmonic entered into the function, this will be the most flexible data returned. ```{r max_har_tbl} output$data$maximum_harmonic_tbl %>% glimpse() ``` ### differenced_value_tbl The `differenced_value_tbl` is a `tibble` that has a lag 1 difference of the value column supplied. ```{r diff_val_tbl} output$data$differenced_value_tbl %>% glimpse() ``` ### dff_tbl The `dff_tbl` is a `tibble` that is returned that has the fft values, the complex, real and imaginary parts. ```{r dff_tbl} output$data$dff_tbl %>% glimpse() ``` ### ts_obj The last data piece of the data section is the `ts_obj`. This is a `ts` version of the `input_vector` ```{r ts_obj} output$data$ts_obj ``` ## Output Plots There are a total of five plots that are returned in the list. Three of them are `ggplot` plots and two of them are `plotly::ggplotly` plots. ### harmonic_plt The `harmonic_plot` is a `ggplot` plot that shows all of the harmonic waves on the same graph if you set `.harmonics` greater than 1. ```{r har_plt, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output$plots$harmonic_plot ``` ### diff_plot The `diff_plot` is a `ggplot` plot of the lag 1 `differenced_value_tbl` ```{r diff_val_plt, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output$plots$diff_plot ``` ### max_har_plot The `max_har_plot` is a `ggplot` plot of the maximum harmonic wave entered into `.harmonics` ```{r max_har_plt, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output$plots$max_har_plot ``` ### harmonic_plotly The `harmonic_plotly` is a `plotly::ggplotly` plot of the `harmonic_plot` ```{r har_pltly, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output$plots$harmonic_plotly ``` ### max_har_plotly The `max_har_plotly` is a `plotly::ggplotly` plot of the `max_har_plot` ```{r max_har_pltly, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} output$plots$max_har_plotly ``` ## Output Parameters ### parameters The `parameters` element is a list of input parameters and internal parameters. ```{r parameters} output$parameters ``` ## Output Model The `model` portion has four pieces to it which we will look at below. ### m The parameter `m` is an internal parameter that is equal to `.harmonics` / 2. This is fed into `TSA::harmonic` along with the `ts_obj` The parameter `harmonic_obj` is the object returned from `TSA::harmonic` The parameter `harmonic_model` is the harmonic model from the `TSA::harmonic` The parameter `model_summary` is a summary of the harmonic model. ```{r m} output$model$m ``` ```{r harmonic_obj} output$model$harmonic_obj %>% head() ``` ```{r har_model} output$model$harmonic_model ``` ```{r har_summary} output$model$model_summary ```