
Breaing Changes

  1. Fix #107 - This change allows for the generation of random walks with up to 3 dimensions. Due to this what was the x column is now called step_number for all random walk functions including rw30(). The x column is now the first dimension of a 2d/3d random walk.

New Features

  1. Fix #105 - Add internal function rand_walk_column_names() to generate column names for random walks.
  2. Fix #142 - Add vector function confidence_interval() to generate confidence interval tibble.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #107 - Add .dimensions parameter to random walk functions to allow for the generation of random walks with up to 3 dimensions.

RandomWalker 0.2.0 (2024-10-23)

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #92 - Add Function std_cum_sum_augment() to calculate the cumulative sum of a random walk.
  2. Fix #93 - Add Function std_cum_prod_augment() to calculate the cumulative product of a random walk.
  3. Fix #94 - Add Function std_cum_min_augment() to calculate the cumulative minimum of a random walk.
  4. Fix #95 - Add Function std_cum_max_augment() to calculate the cumulative maximum of a random walk.
  5. Fix #96 - Add Function std_cum_mean_augment() to calculate the cumulative mean of a random walk.
  6. Fix #113 - Add Function get_attributes() to get attributes without the row.names
  7. Fix #123 - Add Function running_quantile() to calculate the running quantile of a given vector.

Minor Improvements and Fixes

  1. Fix #117 - Add .interactive parameter to visualize_walks() to allow for interactive plots.
  2. Fix #120 - Add .pluck parameter to visualize_walks() to allow for plucking of specific graph of walks.

Release Blog Post

RandomWalker 0.1.0 (2024-09-15)

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #9 - Add Function rw30() to generate 30 random walks of 100 steps each
  2. Fix #17 - Add Function geometric_brownian_motion() to generate Geometric Brownian Motion
  3. Fix #18 - Add Function random_normal_drift_walk() to generate Random Walk with Drift
  4. Fix #16 - Add Function brownian_motion() to generate Brownian Motion
  5. Fix #13 - Add Function random_normal_walk() to generate Random Walk
  6. Fix #30 - Add Function discrete_walk() to generate Discrete Random Walk
  7. Fix #43 - Add vectorized functions
  8. Fix #44 - Add Function internal_rand_walk_helper() to help generate common columns for random walks.
  9. Fix #34 - Add Function euclidean_distance() to calculate the Euclidean distance of a random walk.
  10. Fix #33 - Add Function visualize_walks() to visualize random walks.
  11. Fix #66 - Add Function summarize_walks() to summarize random walks.

Minor Improvements and Fixes
