RandomWalker 0.1.0

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #9 - Add Function rw30() to generate 30 random walks of 100 steps each
  2. Fix #17 - Add Function geometric_brownian_motion() to generate Geometric Brownian Motion
  3. Fix #18 - Add Function random_normal_drift_walk() to generate Random Walk with Drift
  4. Fix #16 - Add Function brownian_motion() to generate Brownian Motion
  5. Fix #13 - Add Function random_normal_walk() to generate Random Walk
  6. Fix #30 - Add Function discrete_walk() to generate Discrete Random Walk
  7. Fix #43 - Add vectorized functions
  8. Fix #44 - Add Function internal_rand_walk_helper() to help generate common columns for random walks.
  9. Fix #34 - Add Function euclidean_distance() to calculate the Euclidean distance of a random walk.
  10. Fix #33 - Add Function visualize_walks() to visualize random walks.
  11. Fix #66 - Add Function summarize_walks() to summarize random walks.

Minor Improvements and Fixes
